Raindropped's Sounds' Photostream

Rumah Anggrek #KebunRayaBogorThe Orchids #KebunRayaBogorHeads of Botanic Gardens #KebunRayaBogorTree Top #KebunRayaBogorSouvenirs from #KebunRayaBogorAerides Odoratum #KebunRayaBogor
Twin Dancers #KebunRayaBogorI dont know what its name. X) #KebunRayaBogorKantong Semar #KebunRayaBogorSail Ship on The Bottle #KebunRayaBogoricha's day out xD #IndependenceDayTripOtico Biscuit Sticks
Sony DragonThe Happy Ondel Family :D #ondelondelOndel in a Row #ondelondelNgantriii.... #keraktelorKipas-kipas #keraktelorTelur, Serundeng, Bawang Goreng #keraktelor
Wajan & ArangThe Happy Ondel #ondelondelRun for Hoperaawrr... *shy*the flower and the beecool-old stuff

helloo... this is my photostream on flickr. come and visit this site if you dont mind. :D



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